Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Star Crossed on FicPad

Star Crossed on TWCS

Star Crossed on Ao3

Star Crossed on FFn

“Emperor, please come this way,” said Lieutenant Hawk. “Your quarters are located on deck seven.”

“You don’t need to go through any extra trouble,” I said, following him to the quarters that were usually assigned to special guests and dignitaries. I was neither. I was a Galaxy Fleet captain whose vessel was heavily damaged and needed extensive repairs.

No, you aren’t. Remember? You took a leave of absence from Galaxy Fleet. You fall under the dignitary category, Cullen. You are the leader of the Cygnarian people while Bella is unavailable. Get. Used. To. It.

The conversation I had with my father, explaining my reasoning behind my decision, was not a pleasant one. He reminded me that I had a duty to my crew, and to the Federation. I strongly repeated to him that while Bella was captured by the Alphans and Remans, I was the Emperor of Forx. I couldn’t fulfill both of my duties. It was a conflict of interest. My actions as a Galaxy Fleet captain and as the emperor were drastically different. I would be much more ‘by-the-book’ as a captain, but I needed to the ability to bend the rules as the emperor.

Anything to get my mate back.

One of those rules that needed to be bent was my personal feelings on murder. I wanted to murder Jakob and the Remans for abducting my mate. I needed to make them pay for their transgressions. I couldn’t very well do that as a Galaxy Fleet captain. I also probably couldn’t do it as the emperor, but I had some more leeway as the latter. Granted, I wanted to maintain my integrity, but I desired the freedom to do what I needed to do to save my mate and my new home.

For Forx was now my home.

No …

Forx wasn’t my home. Bella was. And Bella lived on Forx. Therefore, Forx was my home along with my Bella. And I needed her. Desperately, I needed my mate. I was sick with worry, concerned about what was happening to her at this very moment. I knew she was alive, but in pain. Though, I wasn’t sure if it was my pain or her pain that I was feeling deep within my bones.

A few moments later, Lieutenant Hawk stopped in front of the quarters. I frowned, uncomfortable with my accommodations. My lavish accommodations. “Lieutenant, I don’t need any special considerations.”

“No, sir. Captain Picard said that you are to stay in these quarters since you are on board as the Emperor of Forx,” Hawk replied. “Besides, when the Empress is recovered, we want to ensure her every comfort.”

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Star Crossed Teaser

“What about this Alliance?” Bella asked, her brows furrowing. “Have you verified its existence?”

“We have,” Dad answered. “It’s poorly organized and based on governments that were overthrown, similar to how Norex and Liannette tried to do.” He tapped his tablet, sending the information onto the screen. “The Remans and Alphans are the strongest among the members. Though, the Alphans are well on their way to extinction based on what I’ve read from Rose’s and Julian’s medical reports.”

Edward, we need to continue this conversation but without the Council of Elders, Bella thought to me. I’m not sure if they know if we’re aware of their involvement.

I agree, I nodded. Pretend you don’t feel well and I’ll put an end to the meeting, asking the Federation personnel to join us in the conference room of the Volvo.

And Senator J’ran, too, Bella said, blinking at the representative from the Assembly of Nobles. He’s trustworthy. He was a close friend of my father. Norex pushed him out of his seat when I assumed leadership, claiming that he had the right to be in the Assembly and not him. I don’t know why, but I’m grateful to see him. She bit her lip, leaning against my heavily. “Edward … I don’t feel well.”

I caressed her cheek and was surprised to feel her skin to be clammy and very warm. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I think I need to get Nirabelle back to our suite for some rest. This is the most she’s done since she’s been released from sickbay.”

“Of course,” Mom said, looking worriedly at my mate.

I helped Bella to her feet and we left the conference room. Once we were safely in our suite, I quickly sent a communique to the Federation personnel and Senator J’ran to meet up at the Volvo at 1700 hours. I asked them to be discreet when they left. We had a few hours before our meeting with my coworkers and family. “Edward,” Bella murmured, curling up on my chest. “All of this is so much.”

“I know, Fíorghrá,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around body. “What can I do for you?”

“Make it all go away. Just for a moment,” she pleaded, looking up at me with her innocent but sexy doe eyes. 

Monday, March 2, 2015


“We’re planning on breaking orbit,” Captain Picard said. “Would you like to join me on the bridge?”

“I’ll be there momentarily, Captain,” I answered. “Thank you for letting me know.”

“Understood. Picard out.”

I picked up the tablet with the information about the Reman ship, Charanel’s calculations about the thalaron radiation trail and my mother’s research regarding who attacked first: the Alphans or the Cygnarians. I left my quarters, walking to the Enterprise bridge. Arriving at the bridge, the crew stood up as if I was more important than I felt. I sat down next to Captain Picard. “Have you tracked the Reman vessel?”

“According to the astrometric data, they are traveling at high warp. They should be here within eight hours,” Captain Picard answered. “Additionally, there are two Alphan cruisers outside of the H’Nan system. Long range sensors register those along with a few other thalaron signatures that are not that Reman vessel that captured Empress Nirabelle.”

“When are we breaking orbit and joining the fleet?” I asked.

“We’re leaving now and will be arriving within a few hours. Have you had a chance to look at the repairs for the Volvo?” Captain Picard asked.

I grimaced. My ship had a laundry list of damages. It wouldn’t be space-worthy for roughly three weeks. It was orbiting Forx while my crew worked tirelessly to make the necessary repairs. “I can’t believe that we didn’t have a jump core breach. The containment field was barely functional and the matter/antimatter reaction was fluctuating dangerously.”

“At least the marchesian stones that were confiscated from Norex’s private accounts were used for good,” Captain Picard snorted.

“I was shocked that the Council of Elders and the Assembly of Nobles approved the trade to the Federation,” I chuckled anxiously. “Those stones should have been held as evidence against Norex and Liannette. They should not be used to refuel my dilithium matrix. It just seems wrong.”

“You are the Emperor. You could have said no,” Captain Picard smirked. “But, I understand that you were in a tight pinch. You wanted to act as a Galaxy Fleet captain. As a captain, you’d be forced to say no. As the emperor, you’d be compelled to say yes. I understand why you took a leave of absence from Galaxy Fleet. You couldn’t do your job, either one.”

I looked at one of my mentors and heroes growing up. “You didn’t see the disappointment in your father’s eyes, Captain,” I muttered.

“Edward, your father is so proud of you. He was not disappointed. He knew that it was coming, but he didn’t want to you to have to choose,” Picard whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder. “You have become one of the most decorated captains in Galaxy Fleet history. And you’re barely thirty. There are cadets in the Academy who joined to work with you.”

“I didn’t quit, Jean-Luc,” I said, arching a brow. “I’m just taking some time off. Who knows? I will probably come back. I want to. Forx may be my home now, but I will always want to travel amongst the stars. They call to me.”

“As they call to all of us, Captain,” Picard smiled.