Monday, March 2, 2015


“We’re planning on breaking orbit,” Captain Picard said. “Would you like to join me on the bridge?”

“I’ll be there momentarily, Captain,” I answered. “Thank you for letting me know.”

“Understood. Picard out.”

I picked up the tablet with the information about the Reman ship, Charanel’s calculations about the thalaron radiation trail and my mother’s research regarding who attacked first: the Alphans or the Cygnarians. I left my quarters, walking to the Enterprise bridge. Arriving at the bridge, the crew stood up as if I was more important than I felt. I sat down next to Captain Picard. “Have you tracked the Reman vessel?”

“According to the astrometric data, they are traveling at high warp. They should be here within eight hours,” Captain Picard answered. “Additionally, there are two Alphan cruisers outside of the H’Nan system. Long range sensors register those along with a few other thalaron signatures that are not that Reman vessel that captured Empress Nirabelle.”

“When are we breaking orbit and joining the fleet?” I asked.

“We’re leaving now and will be arriving within a few hours. Have you had a chance to look at the repairs for the Volvo?” Captain Picard asked.

I grimaced. My ship had a laundry list of damages. It wouldn’t be space-worthy for roughly three weeks. It was orbiting Forx while my crew worked tirelessly to make the necessary repairs. “I can’t believe that we didn’t have a jump core breach. The containment field was barely functional and the matter/antimatter reaction was fluctuating dangerously.”

“At least the marchesian stones that were confiscated from Norex’s private accounts were used for good,” Captain Picard snorted.

“I was shocked that the Council of Elders and the Assembly of Nobles approved the trade to the Federation,” I chuckled anxiously. “Those stones should have been held as evidence against Norex and Liannette. They should not be used to refuel my dilithium matrix. It just seems wrong.”

“You are the Emperor. You could have said no,” Captain Picard smirked. “But, I understand that you were in a tight pinch. You wanted to act as a Galaxy Fleet captain. As a captain, you’d be forced to say no. As the emperor, you’d be compelled to say yes. I understand why you took a leave of absence from Galaxy Fleet. You couldn’t do your job, either one.”

I looked at one of my mentors and heroes growing up. “You didn’t see the disappointment in your father’s eyes, Captain,” I muttered.

“Edward, your father is so proud of you. He was not disappointed. He knew that it was coming, but he didn’t want to you to have to choose,” Picard whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder. “You have become one of the most decorated captains in Galaxy Fleet history. And you’re barely thirty. There are cadets in the Academy who joined to work with you.”

“I didn’t quit, Jean-Luc,” I said, arching a brow. “I’m just taking some time off. Who knows? I will probably come back. I want to. Forx may be my home now, but I will always want to travel amongst the stars. They call to me.”

“As they call to all of us, Captain,” Picard smiled. 

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